If you’re new to the editing world, you might be wondering what to call your business.
Your business name is the first thing clients use to form an opinion of your business, so it needs some thought. It should represent what you do and align with your brand.
The three main types of business names in the editorial industry
1: [Your name or last name] + [‘Editorial (Services)’ or your specialist service]
Real life examples: Duncan Proofreading, Winskill Editorial, Luke Finley Editorial.
This format is clear and simple, helps put you at the centre of your brand, and is particularly good if you want to target publishers since they will mostly know you by name. It can be considered a little boring, though, and possibly easy to forget if you have a common name or one that’s difficult to spell.
2: [Abstract word] + [‘Editorial’ or your specialist service]
Real life examples: Responsive Editing, Breakout Editing, Pimlico Proofreading.
This format adds some personality and helps you create a stronger brand. Keep in mind that if you use the name of a single service in your business name (like ‘Proofreading’), you won’t be able to expand your offerings without having to change your business name. (This applies to the above method, too!)
3: [Something abstract that’s industry-related]
Real life examples: Prepare to Publish, Liminal Pages, Book Butchers.
This format is arguably the most creative, but it can be difficult to tell exactly what’s on offer without having to find out more. Good if you want to expand your business to include a variety of services not strictly to do with editing (such as formatting and design), though.
How I named my editorial business
I went with the first option when I started out. My business name was Playle Editorial Services, but I eventually decided it lacked punch and was a bit dull.
I rebranded to Liminal Pages when I decided I wanted to focus on speculative fiction and offer online courses as well as editing. (Now, I just offer online courses.) If I’d decided to stick with offering editorial services only, though, I probably would have gone with option two.
I chose the word ‘liminal’ because it means ‘on the threshold between two states’ or ‘relating to a transitional stage in a process’. I liked it as a metaphor for writing that was transitioning towards publication. As well as that, ‘liminal’ linked to speculative fiction by representing the space between two worlds.
If you’d like additional guidance on choosing the right name for your editing or proofreading business – as well as developing that all-important brand and setting up your website – then check out my self-paced course, The Visible Editor.